
To achieve better cyber resilience for all TASSA members, VSST has been working closely with the National Cyber Resilience Centre Group (NCRCG), a collaboration between the police, government, academic institutions and private-sector organisations to help strengthen cyber resilience across the UK's small and medium-sized businesses.

A not-for-profit organisation, the NCRCG arms business owners with the skills and resources to better defend their organisations. The NCRCG has established regional Cyber Resilience Centres. These centres are located across the country, and offer on-the-ground regional support to help businesses strengthen their cyber resilience and better protect themselves and their supply chain against cybercrime.

National Cyber Resilience Centre Group

All TASSA members now have the opportunity to sign up with their local Cyber Resilience Centre for FREE.

Every organisation in this country is a potential target for cybercriminals – whatever its size, location or sector. However, it's often smaller organisations without dedicated IT security personnel that bear the brunt of cybercrime.

National Cyber Resilience Centre Group

Joining this public service is FREE and includes:

  • A free 30-minute resilience review on your current cyber setup
  • Access to free resources, tools and guidance designed to help your business start its cyber resilience journey
  • A Board Toolkit designed to encourage essential cyber security discussions between your board and technical experts
  • 10 Steps to Cyber Security – an exploration of the key components to help you break down the task of protecting your business
  • Exercise in a box – a suite of preparedness exercises based on real-world scenarios to test your organisational responses
  • Invites to a programme of webinars, roadshows and conferences in your region
  • A monthly newsletter to help you tackle online risks relevant to smaller organisations.

The Cyber Resilience Centres are trusted resources and offer you a gateway to meeting the government’s IASME Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus Certification.


VSST Ltd. is proud to be a National Ambassador for the National Cyber Resilience Centre Group

National Cyber Resilience Centre Group